Friday, August 29, 2008

Week 3: Lesson Plan & Homework

Monday, 1 Sept

Class Presentations:
Chap 2: Boxes
What to Expect - Mr. Mac
2.1 Pagan & Gentile - Jose
2.2 Greco-Roman World - Jimena
2.3 Roman Empire - Filipe
2.4 Divine Rulers as Savior Gods - Jesica
2.5 Christianity as a Mystery Cult - Carmen
2.6 Septuagint - Skippy
2.7 Women in Synagogues - Tamara
2.8 Jewish Miracle Working Sons of God - Maggie
2.9 World of Early Christianity - Gabe
Homework: Review all boxes.

Tuesday, 2 Sept

Continue Presentations
Quiz Game
Teacher Summary

Read Chapter 2
Prepare Presentations with 3 Q&A.

Wednesday, 3 Sept


  • Beginnings
  • One Remarkable
  • LifeGreco-Roman Religions
  • Magic & Mystery in Greco-Roman Religion
  • Philosophy & Religion in the Greco-Roman World
  • Judaism as a Greco-Roman Religion
  • Montheism
  • The Law
  • Temple and Synagogue
  • Forms of Early Judaism
  • Jewish context for Jesus

Thursday, 4 September
Continue Presentations
Quiz Game
Teacher Summary

  • Complete Study Guide
  • Review for Test

Friday, 5 September



Homework: None

Thursday, August 28, 2008

More Pictures

chapter 1.2 Study Guide Epistles

WORD BANK: John gnosis New_Testament divine Marcion Matthew Turkey document Peter Epistles thirty human thirteen Fathers evil divine ten Greek human Syria first second orthodox.

1. Christians of the second century did not yet have the ............................................................. .
2. ......................................... are Letters written by Paul and other Christian Leaders.
3. The Gospel of ........................................ is the first book in the New Testament.
4. The Greek word ........................................... means knowledge.
5.6. Some Gnostics claimed that Jesus consisted of 2 distinct beings: The .............................................. Jesus, and the ................................. Jesus.
7. There are ................................ different gods in the gnostic system.
8. Gnostics believed that the Creator God of the Old Testament was ........................... .
9. Christian diversity is easer to document in the ........................... century.
10. The only Christian writings that can be reliably dated to the ............................. century are found in the New Testament.
11. The canonical Gospel of ................................. was a favorite of the Gnostics.
12. The non-canonical Gospels of ............................ , Phillip, and Thomas appeared on the scene to support the Gnostic perspective.
13. The Proto- ....................................... christians where the forerunners of the group that became the dominant form of Christianity in later centuries.
14. Asia Minor is now located in the nation of ....................................... .
15. The Marcionite Christians subscribed to the form of Christianity developed by ......................................... .
16.17. Early Jewish Christians believed Jesus was ............................... but Marcionites think he was ...........................................................
18. The 27 books of the New Testament are written in ................................................. .
19. Their are ................................... Epistles claimed to written by Paul.
20. The Apostolic ....................................... were men whose writings, though not accepted as canon, were read in the Churches of the first few centuries

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Chapter 1 Study Guide

NT Chap 1 Study Guide

If you want to print this, it is better to go to google documents at (you have to be logged in under our username and password. -Mr. Mac

WORD BANK: Pentateuch original Canon guess Acts differences Bible middle domini canons Apocrypha Exodus domicile diversity Gospels New Epistles Christianities Torah Old Deuteronomy

1. ............................. means "ruler" in Greek.

2. Ancient ........................... were used to make straight lines or to measure distances.

3. Proto- ............................. Christians created the canon of the New Testament.

4. The terms "Jewish Scriptures" and "Hebrew .................... " referred to the collection of books considered sacred in the religion of Judaism.

5. The first five books of the Bible are know as the Law, the Torah, or the .........................

6. The ................... of the Apostles is the only historical book of the New Testament.

7. The ................... are the twenty-one books of the New Testament which are comprised of a group of letters written to christian churches or individuals by Saint Paul, Saint Peter and others.

8. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the four .................................

9. Early Christian communities had different books and ....................... versions ofthe .......................... books.

10. Protestant Christians call the deutero-canonical books of the Septuagint Version ofthe Bible the ............................

11. The letters A.D. are an abreviation of the Latin words "Anno ......................." , which means year of our Lord.

12,13. The Torah (also called the Pentateuch) contains the books of Genesis,

.............................., Leviticus, Numbers, and ...................................

14. One of the problems of with the New Testament is that we do not have any

of the .......................... manuscripts. We have only copies made hundreds of years after the original.

15. We compare the various copies to see the ....................... between them. Of over 5,000 Greek manuscripts, no two are exactly alike.

16. One example of a major difference is the story of the "Women taken in Adultry" which does not appear in early manuscripts until the ...................... ages.

17. Christians call the Hebrew Scriptures the .............. Testament.

18, 19. Most scholars prefer to speak about "early ......................... " instead of

"early Christianity"; because of it's remarkable .........................

20. A "theory" is an educated .........................