Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gospel of John by Ana Luisa, Tamara and Jessica

The four ways to study the gospels are historical-literary, redaction, comparative method, and thematic method. The historical-literary method consists of viewing the gospel while taking into account the historical context in which they were written. The redaction method consists of reading the gospel while keeping in mind what is unnecessary and what could be changed in an editing way. The comparative method consists of comparing one gospel to another gospel and other sources written around the same time. The thematic method is reviewing of the central themes in a gospel and seeing why they are important.
These methods can all be used to study John for it is gospel was last written and thus it has used many sources. A historical literary-historical method would provide a contextual view.

Boys blog john

We have studied the literary-historical method, the literary historical method is a method used to study a literary text by asking how its genre text functioned in its historical context and by exploring, then, its historical meaning (i.e., seeing how its meaning would have been understood to its earliest readers) in light of its literary characteristics.  We can use this method to study John by looking at other sources from that were written in that time period and comparing them.  Then we can look at the book the way that people from that time period would have looked at it.  
Now is my turn to talk about the redaction method. Redaction method: is the study of how authors modified or edited their sources in view of their own vested interests and concerns. i think that all of this is talking about whenever other people change some of the words in the scriptures for them to make a little bit more of sense. of course this is written for the people who actually care about it. another thing, could e that it is hard to understand, so they wright it again, and make the people who don't understand to understand. 
The comparative method is a method used to study a literary text by noting its similarities to and differences from other, related, texts, whether or not any of these other texts was used as a source for the text in question.  Scholars used to comparative method in luke to determine who the author was.
 Thematic method is a method used to study a literary text by isolating its leading ideas, or themes, and exploring them, seeing how they are developed in the text, so as to understand the author's overarching em phases. it helps understand the book of John, because it only focus on one theme and it helps us understand more about the book.

Project: Methods Review

We have learned four methods of Scripture study so far:
  • Literary-Historical Method
  • Redaction Method
  • Comparative Method
  • Thematic Method
Describe each of these methods, and explain how you would apply them to a study of the Gospel of John.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Jessica, Tamara, and Ana...

The four major themes are:

- The Holy Spirit: Christ promised that his followers would receive the holy spirit following his ascension.

- Evangelism: the author's emphasis on the missionary work of the Apostles, especially Paul and Peter, underscores the central theme of the importance of evangelism.

- Apostolic Authority: The work of the apostles organizing the church and teaching the gospel.

- Opposition to Christianity: Another important theme in Acts of the Apostles is that Christians will encounter opposition. 

-Defense of the Gospel: in other words this refers to the martyrdom endured by early Christians in defense of their faith.

The authorship of Acts is contested because of the lack of evidence to support it. At first the medical terms used in the book seemed to be proof but upon further investigation it proved to be no more specific than what other educated authors of the day would have used. 

We believe the author was perhaps someone who came in contact with early Christian communites, a companion of Paul, or even Luke himself.

Boys Luke

The author of Luke is traditionally known as Luke himself.  Scholars think that the author of Luke was actually someone who was a personal witness to Jesus' acts.  Although  their are disputes concerning wether Luke was the author of Luke or not.  Paul was one of the followers of luke but he eventually did not wrote luke. Luke probably wrote down all of jesus' acts from his view point, and to his understanding. in the end wee really do not know, because everything as you said in chapel is a hypothesis, and it is not proved. Another thing is that we se a lot of stuff repeated, it is probably there for a reason. 

Maggie, Lu, Jime

The book of Acts is a book from a two volume work by Luke.  The book of Acts is dedicated to an unknown Theophilus.  The book has been ascribed to Luke.  Just like Luke, Acts was written around 80 to 85 C.E.
There are several themes for the book of Acts: the Jewish origins of Christianity, the portrayal of Jesus as a Jewish prophet, the consequent movement of the religion from the Jews to Gentile, the proclamation of Jew and Gentile, the delay of the time of the end, the rightness of this religion, the complete unity and harmony, and the hand of God directing the course of Christian history.

MrMac: Acts of the Apostles

1. List the Major themes found in the Book of Acts.
2. Discuss the authorship of Acts. Why do some scholars doubt that the physician Luke, the traveling companion of Paul, was the author.
3. Who do you believe was the author? Why?

Monday, February 2, 2009

The gospel of Luke is one of the four gospels in the New Testament, it portrays the life and death of Jesus. Written around 80-85 C.E by a Greek-speaking christian probably outside of palestine. The sources of luke were Q and L
he dedicates his book to an otherwise unknown person, "theophilus." may have been a roman administrative official, or the name may be symbolic, refering to the other gospels, revels several distinctive themes.
Luke's birth narrative shows the importance of the jerusalem temple, the central institution for the jewish religion.

mr.mac: Gospel of Luke

Discuss the Gospel of Luke.  Include authorship, date, language, audience, and theme.

Luke,.,.,.,, Tamara, Jessica, & Ana.

Luke is a gospel in the Christian Bible. It was written around 80-85 AD. It was written in Greek and was probably written by a gentile-Christian. In its dedication perhaps is one of its important features. It is dedicated to Theophilus, if Theophilus was a Roman administrative it is less important, but when seen as a group of people "Beloved by God" it becomes more important. Luke shows the shift between Jewish and Christian, so if Theophilus is a group of God's Beloved it erases the boundaries between Jewish and Christian when it comes to God's love.

Jimena, Maggie, Gaby

Luke was written by a greek speaking christian around 80-85 C.E. Luke's author probably used the sources of Mark,Q, and L. Luke's author probably dedicated Luke to Theophilus who might have been an unknown person in the New Testament. Historians say that Theophilus may have been a Roman administrative official. The importance of the Jerusalem temple is revealed in Luke's birth narrative, because the Jerusalem temple is the place were God's salvation came. one of Luke's main concerns is to show that God's salvation was rejected by the Jewish people and therefore was sent to the Gentiles. Luke shows Jesus as a born prophet being preacher, as a healer being a prophet, and his death as a prophet. Luke shows that everything that happens to Jesus is according to the divine plan.