Thursday, February 19, 2009

Boys blog john

We have studied the literary-historical method, the literary historical method is a method used to study a literary text by asking how its genre text functioned in its historical context and by exploring, then, its historical meaning (i.e., seeing how its meaning would have been understood to its earliest readers) in light of its literary characteristics.  We can use this method to study John by looking at other sources from that were written in that time period and comparing them.  Then we can look at the book the way that people from that time period would have looked at it.  
Now is my turn to talk about the redaction method. Redaction method: is the study of how authors modified or edited their sources in view of their own vested interests and concerns. i think that all of this is talking about whenever other people change some of the words in the scriptures for them to make a little bit more of sense. of course this is written for the people who actually care about it. another thing, could e that it is hard to understand, so they wright it again, and make the people who don't understand to understand. 
The comparative method is a method used to study a literary text by noting its similarities to and differences from other, related, texts, whether or not any of these other texts was used as a source for the text in question.  Scholars used to comparative method in luke to determine who the author was.
 Thematic method is a method used to study a literary text by isolating its leading ideas, or themes, and exploring them, seeing how they are developed in the text, so as to understand the author's overarching em phases. it helps understand the book of John, because it only focus on one theme and it helps us understand more about the book.

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