Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tamara, Ana and Jessica's 3rd part of the assignment

Written by Jessica in her house though.

1. Why did a divine figure as Jesus get crucified by the human race?
2. Why do humans have sins? Why do they sin?
3. What happened to those who claim to be Christians but do not follow the God's law?
4. How do you know heaven and hell exist?
5. If God watches over his people, why are there Christians that suffer and live in agony?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Maggie, Felipe, and Jimena

  1. People have many different meanings of the word salvation, including: the act of delivering from sin or saving from people; a means from preserving from harm or unpleasantness; the state of being saved or preserved from harm; saving someone or something from harm or form an unpleasant situation, but in my opinion I think that salvation is the act of believing in God and always trying our best to make the right decision in order to be saved from sin.
  2. Paul's presentation of salvation includes: The Human Dilemma; The Divine Solution through Christ's Death; The Gospel Message Is Rooted in the Scripture; Christ's Death and Resurrection Bring Freedom from the Powers Opposed to God; The Gospel Message Is Consistent with God's Dealings with Israel and Represents a Fulfillment of His Promises; The Law-Free Gospel Does Not Lead to Lawless Behavior; Close of the Letter.  Paul presents two perspectives on Salvation: The Judicial Model and The Participationist Model.  The Judicial Model presents three different defenitions: Sin-human disobedience that brings a death penalty; Jesus' Death-payment of the penalty of sin; Appropriation-acceptance of the payment through faith, apart from works of the Law.  The Participationist Model also presents three different defenitions: Sin-a cosmic power that enslaves people; Jesus' Death-defeat of the power of sin; Appropriation-participation in Christ's victory through baptism.
  3. Dear Lucrious, I've heard that you are from Bulgaria and that you don't know anything of faith.  I want to tell you that to me, salvation is when someone believes in God, someone who has a lot of faith, and that repents their sins, that when judgement time comes he is saved from all kind of sin.  I think that if you have faith in God, and you repent from your sins, you will be saved.  I hope that you make a wise decision.  Hoping to hear from you soon, sincerely, MFJ.

Jessica, Tamara, and Ana... SALVATION!!!!

sal⋅va⋅tion [sal-vey-shuhn]–noun
1.the act of saving or protecting from harm, risk, loss, destruction, etc.
2.the state of being saved or protected from harm, risk, etc.
3.a source, cause, or means of being saved or protected from harm, risk, etc.
4.Theologydeliverance from the power and penalty of sin; redemption.

According to Paul, God's salvation comes to those who have faith and that salvation comes first to the jew and then to the Gentiles. He also claims that all sinners are to get salvation through Christ's death [the divine solution.]


Salvation---the act of saving or protecting from harm, risk, loss, destruction, etc.
Paul's salvation way---he believed that they would be saved. 
Catholicism to a buddhist---catholicism is a religion that worships one god, jesus. Salvation in catholicism is when you believe in a god that he will save you. Like the israelites they waited to be saved. 


  1. Salvation:the act of saving or protecting from harm, risk, loss, destruction, etc.
  2. Paul's  concept of salvation:is the culmination of a long evolutionary history in biblical times.The nature of the "law" moved from an unspecified kind of faithfulness, through rather rigid and increasingly elaborate apodictic,ritual formulations, to common wisdom and finally an open kind of motivational renewal "in the Spirit".
  3. Christianity is at least three things:

    • A set of beliefs
    • A way of life
    • a community of people
    • Christianity separated from the main body of Judaism for two major reasons:

      1. Christianity came to regard Jesus as in some sense God's presence in human form. This was unacceptable to most Jews.
      2. Judaism is defined by a covenant made between God and the Jewish people. Part of this covenant is the Law, a set of religious and ethical rules and principles. Most Christians came to regard both this covenant and Law as in some sense superseded by Jesus' teaching and the community that he established. On the night he died, Jesus talked about establishing a "new covenant" based on his death and resurrection.

Salvation by Gabriel and Ricky

1. In our opinion salvation is the opportunity of going to heaven through faith and good works.
Faith is believing in the Holy Trinity which is God the father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus the son.  And believing that Jesus died for our sins.

2.  Paul presents two main models for salvation in the book of Romans, the judicial model and the participationist model.  The judicial model is easier for us to wrap our heads around and therefore it will be the only one mentioned.  The judicial model is based upon the idea that God is the lawmaker and the judge.  God has made the laws and everybody in the world, not just the Jews, have broken these laws.  The punishment for breaking these laws is death, but the solution for this punishment is the death of someone who does not deserve death.  Jesus was this someone and God brought him back from the death because he was satisfied with the punishment.  Through this model humans can be saved by trusting that God will find it acceptable, it was not by earning or deserving it, it was by someone else's sacrifice for us. 

3. Christianity is the belief that God's son, Jesus Christ, came down to Earth to die for our sins and save us from eternal death.  Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected three days later.  People can be saved through belief in the one true God and that his son Jesus Christ died for our sins.  God loves us all.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Felipe-The Judicial Model

God is a lawmaker who has made laws for people to follow, everyone however had broken the laws. God is also the judge before whom people appear as lawbreakers. The divine solution to this problem is again conceived in judicial review. The problem was sin, which is understood to be a transgression of God's law.