Monday, May 11, 2009


  1. Salvation:the act of saving or protecting from harm, risk, loss, destruction, etc.
  2. Paul's  concept of salvation:is the culmination of a long evolutionary history in biblical times.The nature of the "law" moved from an unspecified kind of faithfulness, through rather rigid and increasingly elaborate apodictic,ritual formulations, to common wisdom and finally an open kind of motivational renewal "in the Spirit".
  3. Christianity is at least three things:

    • A set of beliefs
    • A way of life
    • a community of people
    • Christianity separated from the main body of Judaism for two major reasons:

      1. Christianity came to regard Jesus as in some sense God's presence in human form. This was unacceptable to most Jews.
      2. Judaism is defined by a covenant made between God and the Jewish people. Part of this covenant is the Law, a set of religious and ethical rules and principles. Most Christians came to regard both this covenant and Law as in some sense superseded by Jesus' teaching and the community that he established. On the night he died, Jesus talked about establishing a "new covenant" based on his death and resurrection.

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