Monday, May 11, 2009

Maggie, Felipe, and Jimena

  1. People have many different meanings of the word salvation, including: the act of delivering from sin or saving from people; a means from preserving from harm or unpleasantness; the state of being saved or preserved from harm; saving someone or something from harm or form an unpleasant situation, but in my opinion I think that salvation is the act of believing in God and always trying our best to make the right decision in order to be saved from sin.
  2. Paul's presentation of salvation includes: The Human Dilemma; The Divine Solution through Christ's Death; The Gospel Message Is Rooted in the Scripture; Christ's Death and Resurrection Bring Freedom from the Powers Opposed to God; The Gospel Message Is Consistent with God's Dealings with Israel and Represents a Fulfillment of His Promises; The Law-Free Gospel Does Not Lead to Lawless Behavior; Close of the Letter.  Paul presents two perspectives on Salvation: The Judicial Model and The Participationist Model.  The Judicial Model presents three different defenitions: Sin-human disobedience that brings a death penalty; Jesus' Death-payment of the penalty of sin; Appropriation-acceptance of the payment through faith, apart from works of the Law.  The Participationist Model also presents three different defenitions: Sin-a cosmic power that enslaves people; Jesus' Death-defeat of the power of sin; Appropriation-participation in Christ's victory through baptism.
  3. Dear Lucrious, I've heard that you are from Bulgaria and that you don't know anything of faith.  I want to tell you that to me, salvation is when someone believes in God, someone who has a lot of faith, and that repents their sins, that when judgement time comes he is saved from all kind of sin.  I think that if you have faith in God, and you repent from your sins, you will be saved.  I hope that you make a wise decision.  Hoping to hear from you soon, sincerely, MFJ.

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