Friday, October 31, 2008

Crucified son of God Questions ch. 5

1 Did Jesus say, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
2. What two things happened after Jesus' death?
The curtain was torn in half and the roman soldier confesses that Jesus is the son of God.
3. Did Jesus brought salvation to the world by His suffering?


For today asignment i was suppose to wright anything about the bible. I think that the Bible is like an auto bioghraphy. but i also think that it is a little bit exagerated. i think this may be because i have seen a lot of movies or documentaries. but i think that it is exagerated because my be the people that know all about this are being preservative. who knows? 

Felipe Marquez Cade

1) What is the shortes BOOK in the newtestament? MARK
2) Are jewish conflicts under attack? YES
3) How many times did Jesus predicts  his own impending passion in Jerusalem? 3 Times

Jose Pac Questions ch.5

1. Jesus is said to be the son of the JEWISH God.

2. The pharisees sworn enemies Herodians.

3. Did Peter reject Jesus message of his Passion? TRUE / False

Maggie, Jimena, Lu, and Gaby

Jesus the Acknowledge Son of God

True or False

___ 1.) The healing that takes place in stages is striking.

___ 2.) Some people think that Jesus is John the Baptist.

___ 3.) Peter's identification of Jesus as the Messiah is correct in all parts.


1.) T

2.) T

3.) F

Gabriel's summary

Jesus was very misunderstood in the gospel of Mark.  Some people didn't believe he was the son of God.  Even Jesus' deciples failed to understand who he was.  Like when Jesus calmed a storm at the sea they said "Who then is this, that even wind and sea obey him?" The only ones who believed Jesus was the son of God were the devil and God.  The devil knew Jesus was the son of God.

Jesus the opposed son of God by Tamara

1. In Mark does Jesus stand in opposition to the Judaism? No

2. Whose son is Jesus? The Jewish God.

3. Can virtually anyone in Mark's Gospel understand that Jesus is the Messiah? No.

Ana's questions & Jessica's summary

Ana's Questions

What book in the Gospel was written first?

Who wrote Mark?
It's not known, just that the author spoke Greek.

How was Mark being written first affect the rest of the Gospel?
Since Mark was written first, the other authors used its writings to tell Jesus' stories.

Jessica's summary
Box 5.5 Son of God and Son of Man

Ancient people considered a son of God to be a divine being or a god himself, and a son of Man to be a man. But ancient times son of God also referred to a son of MAn, which is Jesus.
Son of man was used in several meanings such as to refer human suffering, to refer Jesus in a human body, and to refer a cosmic figure who is coming to bring the judgement of God at the end of time. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mr. Mac: Ch5 Study Guide

NT5(Boxes): Mark

Name: ___________________
Date: ___________________

1) _____
Mark is the shortest and probably the earliest surviving account of Jesus' life.

2) _____
Mark was written in Greek around 65-70 CE.

3) _____
Mark's message is that Jesus is the messiah sent from God in fulfillment of Jewish Scripture.

4) _____
5.1 The term "messiah" comes from a Hebrew word that means "anointed one".

5) _____
The word "Messiah", is the exact equivalent of the Greek term christos (thus "messiah" and "Christ" mean the same thing.

6) _____
At the time of Jesus there were different understandings of who the messiah would be. One group viewed him as a warrior-king, like David.

7) _____
Another group of Jews saw the coming messiah as a supernatural cosmic judge of the earth.

8) _____
A third group of Jews saw the messiah as priestly ruler who would provide authoritative interpretations of God's law for his people.

9) _____
After the Babylonians overthrew Judea in 587 BCE, the term "messiah" came to refer to the future deliverer of Israel.

10) _____
The Herodians are only mentioned in the Gospel of Mark. They supported the Herods who were appointed by the Romans to rule Palestine.

11) _____
Jewish Scribes represented the literate elite.

12) _____
The high priest was the ultimate authority over civil and religious affairs when there was no king in Judea.

13) _____
Pharisees were strongly commited to maintaining the purity laws set forth in theTorah.

14) _____
Jewish scribes could read the sacred traditions of Israel and teach them to others (most people were illiterate).
15) _____
One of the things that strikes the informed reader of Mark's Gospel is how thoroughly its traditions are rooted in a Jewish worldview.

16) _____
Sudducees were Jews of the upper classes, They were largely in charge of the Sanhedrin (sort of a religious court).

17) _____
The Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 CE.

18) _____
The high priest asked Jesus if he was the "Messiah, the son of the Blessed One". Jesus responded "I AM", and (Jesus) will be seated at the right hand of God.

19) _____
For the high priest, the response of Jesus was blasphemy.

20) _____
Jesus uses the term "Son of Man" in three ways: by referring to himself in the third person; of his impending suffering; and, as a cosmic figure who is coming at the end of time to bring judgement.

21) _____
Throughout the Gospel of Mark, Jesus intructs people to be silent when they recognize him as the messiah. This is known as the "messianic secret".

22) _____
Analytical Question: Why did people in Mark's Gospel have such a hard time grasping Jesus' unique identity?

Felipe Marquez

*They have a hard time believing that Jesus was a messiah, because the people thought that jesus was going to be a warrior, who was going to fight for their liberty so it was hard for them to believe that he was only a messiah.

Ricky's chapter 5 question

Jews didn't believe that Jesus was the messiah because they were expecting a warrior-king like David that would be like an Achilles and kill all the Romans one by one.  Also they didn't know whether to believe him because sometimes he was all philosophical and sometimes the parables that he spoke not even the disciples understood them. I think that they didn't understand him because he wasn't really say it straight forward and he kept it a secret.


There are many reasons why the people did not have faith on Jesus and his word. But the biggest reason why they did not belive in Jesus as a savior was, because they did not see an relly strong ma, and this is un fair because they can not judge a book by it cover

Jose P. Mark Question

In my opinion, did not think Jesus was the Messiah. They thought this because he did not look like a warrior king, they expected another David. They thought this Warrior Messiah would deliver them from the Romans. When they saw Jesus they probably thought is this the Messiah, the deliverer? This is not what we expected, this guy is probably just talking crap. 

Tamara: Why did people in Mark's Gospel have such a hard time grasping Jesus' unique identity?

People expected not a lamb of God but warrior-king coming to free the Jewish people by sword and fire. When Jesus preached about forgiveness, a new covenant, and turning the other cheek they did not know what to make of it and therefore denied him as Christ. It may have also been the fact that his progression was reminiscent of the Matriarchal Cult which ended, as most of the cults did, with the sacrifice, or descent to the underworld by the hero-king, and later resurrection, or rebirth. Interesting similarities, no? 

Gaby, Lu, Jimena, Ana Luisa, and Maggie

It's hard to believe that Jesus was the Messiah because they thought of Jesus as somebody who wasn't human, and would smite down the Romans and free the Jews. They thought of him as this divine being that would ascend from heaven, something a lot different than jesus. Jesus was not at all what they expected. Jesus was poor, and he helped out those in need, and didn't like the rich people at all. So they weren't in favor of this man coming in and helping with everything, when they expected the messiah to be something "bigger".

Gabriel's mark quiestion

I think the Jews didn't believe Jesus was the Messiah because they were expecting a warrior king who would deliver them from the Romans. But then when they saw that Jesus was a pacifist they were disappointed because they were expecting a warrior.

Mr. Mac: Question for Gospel of Mark

In the Gospel of Mark we see that people have a hard time understanding that Jesus is the Messiah.  Why did people find it difficult to understand who Jesus was?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Gabriel test respond

26) How does the text answer the question, "Is this true"?
No, because the stories changed because of oral tradition and mistakes or changes wen they are written down. 

27)Do you agree with the text? Why, or why not?

Yes because I agree in that the essence is true and most things did happen but that some changes were made because of oral traditions and mistakes and changes when they were written down.

Ricky Test Gospel Authentication

Our text opens with this sentence: "People who read the Gospels assume that these books tell stories about Jesus simply as they happened.  But is that true?"

How does the text answer the question, "Is this true?"
The text says that it is not true.  It says that the stories were passed down orally for many years, 35 to 65 years actually, until they were written down.
Do you agree with the text?  Why, or why not?
I agree with the text.  I agree because in those times not everybody knew how to read and write.  Also, I agree because the Apostles weren't walking around with a scroll to write stuff down; they had left everything to follow Jesus.  It took quite some time until the stories were finally written down.

Lu Test Respond

Our text opens with this sentences:"People who read the gospels assume that these books tell stories about jesus simply as they happened. but is that true?"
Well no it is not true, because these stories happened and then they wrote them in a scripture they didn't wrote them while all of this was happening. SO they wrote them down but some people just re copied those gospels in their own word. and this happen lots of times so the stories that we read today are not what really happened because people copied the real gospel many times, all of them changed stories. so its not true because we are not really reading theses stories as exactly as how they happened. 
Do i agree with the text?
 I do not agree with it because I think it is not true what the text is saying,that the stories about jesus simply happened as they happened . I think its not the real stories that we are reading but is just imitations of the real stories. I do agree that stories were re written within years and years and today we are reading them. so  o i don't agree with the text.

Jessica's Test Respond

People who read the Gospels assume that these books tell stories about Jesus simply as they happened. But is that true?

How does the text answer the question, "Is that true"?
I think it is not, because the Gospels were written by the apostles.  It is for sure that they had different ways to see things or different ways to retell Jesus' acts and besides, no electronic device was used back then to record the facts, so everything was based on memories, myths and legends.
Also, there were untold stories that may have been or may not have been incorporated to the Gospels.  Therefore, believers who read the Gospels can assume everything is as true as they can be, but actually after many years of retelling and rewriting of the scripts, there is the least possibility that everything written in the Bible is 100% true.

Do you agree with the text? Why, or why not?
Yes, I do, because so many people assume this.  Believers think that it is a sin to modify a part of the Bible because they think it will corrupt their faith. So in a particular religious point of view, all the Gospels have to be 100% true because God protects writings concerning about him.  But surely, Jesus' life stories have to be been altered in some way.  The Gospels were transmitted by oral resources so definitely it has to have to been changed in a way.

Jose Pac Test Responds

Our text opens with this sentence:"People who read the Gospels assume that these books tell stories about Jesus simply as they happen. But is that true?"

26) How does the text answer the question, "Is this true?"
They think that people do think that the stories are true, but they really are not. They have been changed over time, modified, or invented other stories. What they say is that not all the stories are truth, the ones that are true have been modified.

27) Do you agree with the text? why, or why not?
I do not agree with the text that people believe all they have read in the bible, because they don't know much, but I really agree that the text has been modified or invented too.

Gaby Test Respond

"People who read the gospels assume that these books tell stories about Jesus simply as they happened. But is this true?
"How Does The Text Answer The Question, "Is This True?"
No, its not true because it says that stories about Jesus are told simply as they happened and of course that's not true. These stories were passed down as oral histories, by word of mouth, and over the years it tends to change. When they are written down every time they are changed. Every time it was told, something was changed over the time, so they must have changed stories about Jesus. May contain the same idea that it is trying to teach to others but not exactly the same as it was written down hundreds of years ago.
Do You Agree with the text? Why, or why not?
No, i dont agree with the author saying that the stories of jesus are simply sa they happened. Over the years, since they were passed down orally, some words were taken out or changed, while sometimes they can change completely. So information isnt exact if it is orally passed down it usually tends to change.

Felipe Marquez cade

Our text opens with this sentence: "People who read the Gospels assume that these books tell stories about Jesus simply as they happened. But is that true?"
1)How does the text answer the question, "Is this true?"?
No, because it was passed word to word the stories modified and change over time. That is why its called oral tradition.
2)Do you agree with the text? Why, or why not?
I agree with the text because its logic that the stories change over time if they are being re-telled. 

Tamara:Test question

The text states that though there must be some truth to each story they have been changed over the years to suit either an individual's or community's need. These personal views changed overtime and the gospels with it.

I agree with this because it is only logical that something changes, especially with the interference of arbitrary humans with all their baggage of prejudices and the like. It also accounts for the discrepancies within different versions of the same gospels.

Jimena Marquez Test

26. How does the text answer the question, "Is this true?"
the book says that it is not true. Is says that it is not true because this story might have been changed along the retelling. the stories are not the same because words have might been mixed or changed from the original storie.
27. Do you agree with the text? Why, or why not?
No. I dont agree in the text because I also believe that this stories might have been changed because since they are so old they might have had some little changes and not all of the stories might have been good. This stories are not the same because this stories were wrote by hand and so trying to write the same book over and over again they might have changed some word without knowing it and so the original book might have been changed over and over again by many many people. 

Maggie's analytical question

Our text opens with this sentence: "People who read the Gospels assume that these books tell stories about jesus simply as they happened.  But is that true?"

The text says that this is not true, because the Gospels that we have today were written using both a written story source and an oral story source.  These stories could have been changed or modify, and some parts could have been made up, too.  
I agree with the text, because I think that they are right.  We don't know if the stories are true or they have been changed or modify, and they might have made up some things, too, and we don't have any written sources (that were written many years ago) to compare them with todays written sources.