Monday, October 13, 2008

Lu Test Respond

Our text opens with this sentences:"People who read the gospels assume that these books tell stories about jesus simply as they happened. but is that true?"
Well no it is not true, because these stories happened and then they wrote them in a scripture they didn't wrote them while all of this was happening. SO they wrote them down but some people just re copied those gospels in their own word. and this happen lots of times so the stories that we read today are not what really happened because people copied the real gospel many times, all of them changed stories. so its not true because we are not really reading theses stories as exactly as how they happened. 
Do i agree with the text?
 I do not agree with it because I think it is not true what the text is saying,that the stories about jesus simply happened as they happened . I think its not the real stories that we are reading but is just imitations of the real stories. I do agree that stories were re written within years and years and today we are reading them. so  o i don't agree with the text.

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