Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mr. Mac: Ch5 Study Guide

NT5(Boxes): Mark

Name: ___________________
Date: ___________________

1) _____
Mark is the shortest and probably the earliest surviving account of Jesus' life.

2) _____
Mark was written in Greek around 65-70 CE.

3) _____
Mark's message is that Jesus is the messiah sent from God in fulfillment of Jewish Scripture.

4) _____
5.1 The term "messiah" comes from a Hebrew word that means "anointed one".

5) _____
The word "Messiah", is the exact equivalent of the Greek term christos (thus "messiah" and "Christ" mean the same thing.

6) _____
At the time of Jesus there were different understandings of who the messiah would be. One group viewed him as a warrior-king, like David.

7) _____
Another group of Jews saw the coming messiah as a supernatural cosmic judge of the earth.

8) _____
A third group of Jews saw the messiah as priestly ruler who would provide authoritative interpretations of God's law for his people.

9) _____
After the Babylonians overthrew Judea in 587 BCE, the term "messiah" came to refer to the future deliverer of Israel.

10) _____
The Herodians are only mentioned in the Gospel of Mark. They supported the Herods who were appointed by the Romans to rule Palestine.

11) _____
Jewish Scribes represented the literate elite.

12) _____
The high priest was the ultimate authority over civil and religious affairs when there was no king in Judea.

13) _____
Pharisees were strongly commited to maintaining the purity laws set forth in theTorah.

14) _____
Jewish scribes could read the sacred traditions of Israel and teach them to others (most people were illiterate).
15) _____
One of the things that strikes the informed reader of Mark's Gospel is how thoroughly its traditions are rooted in a Jewish worldview.

16) _____
Sudducees were Jews of the upper classes, They were largely in charge of the Sanhedrin (sort of a religious court).

17) _____
The Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 CE.

18) _____
The high priest asked Jesus if he was the "Messiah, the son of the Blessed One". Jesus responded "I AM", and (Jesus) will be seated at the right hand of God.

19) _____
For the high priest, the response of Jesus was blasphemy.

20) _____
Jesus uses the term "Son of Man" in three ways: by referring to himself in the third person; of his impending suffering; and, as a cosmic figure who is coming at the end of time to bring judgement.

21) _____
Throughout the Gospel of Mark, Jesus intructs people to be silent when they recognize him as the messiah. This is known as the "messianic secret".

22) _____
Analytical Question: Why did people in Mark's Gospel have such a hard time grasping Jesus' unique identity?

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