Monday, April 27, 2009

The Flow Of Paul's Argument by Tamara Torrez-Koll

Paul's flow has seven main points. The first point is that the Jewish scripture is the condemning scripture. The second is the solution to this problem, both for the Jews and Gentiles. This solution is through Christ. However, the Gospel message comes from Jewish scripture. The next argument follows and broadens on this one, by presenting Christ as the Jewish saviour, through who's death and resurrection, everyone is saved. So since Christ s death frees the people, God has kept his promise and fulfilled it. The Law is left behind, for it taught the people to sin, so a Gospel world without the Law no longer has sin and is therefore not lawless. Then Paul closes his letter, greeting many people which scholars think may not be part of the original.

Question: Who is God's mortal enemy?
Answer: Death

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