Monday, April 20, 2009

How did Paul convert the people in Thessalonica - Jessica

We don't know for certain how Paul managed to convert the people in Thessalonica so the Thessalonians came to build a church on their own but we can suppose some certain things.

1. Paul was used to go speak with assembled Jews. For this reason, he may have convinced the Jews in Thessalonica first, and eventually they could have caused an influence to the Thessalonians.
2. It is said that Paul and his companions received attention in Thessalonica. Using this attention, Paul managed to preach in front of the people more easily.
3. Not everyone believed on what Paul preached, however he did not get discouraged.
4. Paul preached that Jesus is the Messiah and the Christ. He reinforced that Jesus is the King and focused on his suffering and resurrection.
5. Paul used the Sabbath days to preach as the people were free from work.
6. When there were people that did not understand or misunderstood his preach, Paul tried his best to reason the doubts they had.

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