Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Boy's chapter 6 question

The synoptic gospels are called that way because they are a lot alike but still a little different.
One reason that the gospels might be the same is that they used the same source to write their books. For example, they used the book of Mark, which was the first book written, as a source that they copied from.
Another reason that they are so similar is because Matthew and Luke used a similar source that wasn't Mark but was similar and is called the Q source.
A third reason that they are so similar is that one of them might have used the other as another source that they used to write their book.

One reason that they are different is that they also used different sources called M for Matthew and L for Luke.
Another reason that they are different is that the authors might have added in different stories that they thought were important but were left out. The character of Jesus is portrayed differently in the gospels.

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