Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Jessica and Ana's Essay Question

How does having a Christian upbringing (parents, school, etc.) affect your relationship with God? And how does it influence your faith?

Being born as a Christian in a Christian family, I grew up thinking that Christianity is the only good and other things excepting it is evil. Honestly I thought there was a community of chosen people by God (called Christians) and I was a member of it. My Christian parents led me to the most correct and Christian way possible. Ever since that I came to Xela and grew up, I think that we humans are not saint, so we can't be as good as people say Christians are supposed to be. 
I learned many things this year, and the major thing I learned is that my faith is not my parents' and they can't control my relationship with God. 

With growing up in that environment, it's the first religion you're introduced to. Sometimes that carries on with people all their life, but there's always a time hen you really question a faith that was "given" to you since birth. There's also times when you're upbringing is completely surrounded by Christian thoughts, and one naturally wants to rebel against them. A lot of the time people end up questioning their faith, and abandoning it. But other times it just sticks with them until their death.
It just a matter of whether people question it and try to look for their form of expressing their faith, and what they believe in, or if they try to go look for religion somewhere else. But being the first that is shown to you, it always has a certain affect on your lifestyle and morals.

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