Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Study Guide: Mark (text)

NT5: Mark (Text)

Name: ___________________
Date: ___________________

Of the full-length Gospels, Mark was certainly the last one written.

a) True

b) False

The first thing we notice, after reading Mark, is how its traditions are rooted in a Jewish worldview.

a) True

b) False

Jews in the time of Jesus understood the term "Messiah" to have one clearly defined meaning.

a) True

b) False

For some Jews, the messiah was the future king of Israel.

a) True

b) False

However, no one expected him to be a "cosmic deliverer" from heaven who would engage in supernatural warfare with the enemies of the Jews.

a) True

b) False

Mark never calls Jesus the Messiah anywhere in his Gospel.

a) True

b) False

John the Baptist, by his dress and diet, is reminiscent of the prophet Elijah.

a) True

b) False

The term "Son of God" was used commonly in both the Jewish and Greco-Roman worlds prior to the time of Jesus to refer to persons empowered to do miracles and deliver inspired teachings.

a) True

b) False

Ancient biographies never described the characters of their subjects, focusing entirely on documented historical events.

a) True

b) False

According to the text, we do not know who the author of the Gospel of Mark was.

a) True

b) False

The portrayal of Jesus as the "authoritative" Son of God sets the stage for the rest of the .........

a) narrative
b) story
c) Gospel

Despite Jesus' concern to help others and to deliver the good news of God, he becomes ....... and opposed by the religious leaders of his people.

a) hated
b) loved
c) accepted

Despite the hostility between Jesus and the leaders of Israel, Mark does not portray Jesus as standing in opposition to the religion of .........

a) Judaism
b) Christianity
c) the Romans

Even though Jesus' understanding of the Law will come to be challenged, Mark maintains that he was himself ........ to the Law.

a) opposed
b) disapproving
c) faithful

Jesus said that the Sabbath was made for the sake of humans and not humans for the Sabbath; it is therefore ..... to heal a person on this day.

a) unlawful
b) wrong
c) legitimate

The Pharisees saw healing on the Sabbath as a dangerous perversion of their ........ and Jesus needs to be silenced.

a) rights
b) religion
c) words

The reader of Mark is struck by the way in which Jesus is portrayed as supremely ............. , when he speaks people obey.

a) docile
b) authoritative
c) kind

When the .......... see Jesus calm a violent storm at sea, their question is "Who then is this, that even wind and sea obey him?"

a) Apostles
b) Pharisees
c) people

One way to establish "..........." as on of Mark's themes is to read the first half of the Gospel and ask, "Who realizes that Jesus is the Son of God?".

a) exile and return
b) kingly power
c) misunderstanding

Word Bank
nobody anything

It is clear from Mark's Gospel that Jesus' ........ never do come to understand who he is.

An indication of this is when, in the garden of ......... he prayed three times not to have to undergo his fate.

When Jesus asked his disciples, "Who do people say that I am", ........ was the first person to acknowledge to Jesus when he said, "You are the Christ".

But even then Peter did not understand who the " ....... " was: the one who would "be killed, and after three days rise from the dead"

The text asks the question, "Does he not fully understand the reason for his ...... ?", because he cried out from the cross "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?".

Mark's narrative may even intimate that at the end ....... himself was in doubt.

A significant event, is that the first to acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God after his death was a ....... , not a Jew. The Roman Centurion, who crucified Jesus, proclaimed "Surely this man was God's son".

Mark indicates that when Jesus died the curtain in the temple that separated the Holy of Holies from the temple. This appears to signify for Mark that God is no longer ........ from his people.

The earliest manuscripts of Mark have an abrupt ending to the Gospel. The three women find His tomb empty; an angel tells them Jesus has risen; they flee and tell ............ .

The first readers of Mark's Gospel appear to have been the Christians in Mark's ...... , who were illiterate, and had to have the Gospel read to them.

1 comment:

James Snapp Jr said...

About those "earliest manuscripts" which end at the end of 16:8 -- they are not the earliest pertinent evidence. Why should the manuscripts used by Justin, Tatian, and Irenaeus in the 100's be ignored?

www.curtisvillechristian.org/MarkOne.html for more info about this.

Yours in Christ,

James Snapp, Jr.

Happy New Year!