Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Study Guide: Mark (Boxes)

NT5(Boxes): Mark

Name: ___________________
Date: ___________________
Word Bank
blasphemy Christ Greek Herodians
history I AM Jewish John
Man Mark messiah messiah
messiah messiah Pharisees Plato
priest priestly Romans Scribes
scribes secret Sudducees warrior-king

1) _____
[Mark] is the shortest and probably the earliest surviving account of Jesus' life.

2) _____
Mark was written in [Greek] around 65-70 CE.

3) _____
Mark's message is that Jesus is the [messiah] sent from God in fulfillment of Jewish Scripture.

4) _____
5.1 The term "[messiah]" comes from a Hebrew word that means "anointed one".

5) _____
The word "Messiah", is the exact equivalent of the Greek term christos (thus "messiah" and "[Christ]" mean the same thing.

6) _____
At the time of Jesus there were different understandings of who the messiah would be. One group viewed him as a [warrior-king], like David.

7) _____
Another group of Jews saw the coming [messiah] as a supernatural cosmic judge of the earth.

8) _____
A third group of Jews saw the messiah as [priestly] ruler who would provide authoritative interpretations of God's law for his people.

9) _____
After the Babylonians overthrew Judea in 587 BCE, the term "[messiah]" came to refer to the future deliverer of Israel.

10) _____
The [Herodians] are only mentioned in the Gospel of Mark. They supported the Herods who were appointed by the Romans to rule Palestine.

11) _____
Jewish [Scribes] represented the literate elite.
12) _____
The high [priest] was the ultimate authority over civil and religious affairs when there was no king in Judea.

13) _____
[Pharisees] were strongly commited to maintaining the purity laws set forth in theTorah.

14) _____
Jewish [scribes] could read the sacred traditions of Israel and teach them to others (most people were illiterate).

15) _____
One of the things that strikes the informed reader of Mark's Gospel is how thoroughly its traditions are rooted in a [Jewish] worldview.

16) _____
[Sudducees] were Jews of the upper classes, They were largely in charge of the Sanhedrin (sort of a religious court).

17) _____
The [Romans] destroyed Jerusalem in 70 CE.

18) _____
The high priest asked Jesus if he was the "Messiah, the son of the Blessed One". Jesus responded "[I AM]", and (Jesus) will be seated at the right hand of God.

19) _____
For the high priest, the response of Jesus was [blasphemy].

20) _____
Jesus uses the term "Son of [Man]" in three ways: by referring to himself in the third person; of his impending suffering; and, as a cosmic figure who is coming at the end of time to bring judgement.

21) _____
Throughout the Gospel of Mark, Jesus intructs people to be silent when they recognize him as the messiah. This is known as the "messianic [secret]".
22) Why did people in Mark's Gospel have such a hard time grasping Jesus' unique identity?

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