Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Assignment by Jessica

What kind of book are the Gospels of the New Testament? 
Fairy tales? Religious novels? Ancient biographies? 
I think that the gospels are somewhat between ancient biographies and religious novels, because it concerns much about Jesus' birth to crucifixion and his teachings. The gospels are written by the four main disciples of Jesus telling about Jesus' and all the things that he has done to be the Messiah, Jewish King.
Some of the gospels focuses more to the life of Jesus and his teachings, but some of them focuses more on Jesus' teachings' meanings and the meaning of him being crucified to save us from the sins. 
So, concluding this, for me the gospels are mixed literature of religious novels and ancient biographies.
-Jessica Jeon

Jose Pac and felipe marquez

What are the gospels. The Gospels are ancient biographies that have distinctive  features of their own. Most of the distinctive features of the Gospels relate directly to their Christian characteristics. They are only biographies  written by christians about the man they worship as the Son of God who died for the salvation of the world. The Gospels may anticipate a miraculous beginning to his life and a miraculous ending.
I think that this ancient biographies written by early christians are really real ancient biographies. I also think they are very related, because the biographies characteristics are straightly come from the christians characteristics, so thats why I think this.

Ricky and Gabriel's assignment question

Nowadays the gospels are viewed as biographies but in earlier years they were viewed differently.  They used to be viewed as a totally new kind of genre, unlike every thing else.  Nowadays the view is different, the gospels are viewed as ancient biographies but they are more interested in making the person look good and not so much interested in giving facts.  The modern biographies are now more worried in giving direct facts that can be proven with letters and the such.
We think the gospels are biographies, but that they were made to make Jesus look good.  We am not sure if every thing in the gospels is true because after so many years of oral traditions people could have changed the stuff. We think that the essence is true but maybe some things were changed.  But we do believe the gospels are biographies that were made to make Jesus look good rather than to express facts.  
Hugo and I think that that the Gospels are inspired by God because, the Gospels were books in which this men were chosen by Jesus to spread out his word. So the Gospels are inspired on God, and whatever he wants to tell all of his people. they were also some historical accounts, that were, and are used to know that some mythical facts were true. 
The author of the book says that the gospels were autobiographies, but they were not always view like this. he says that they were autobiographies. as we experssed on the passed paragraph.  

Tamara: what to expect: what are the Gospels? Fairy tales? Novels? Ancient biographies?

According to the text the Gospels are a sort of ancient biography that is not strictly a biographical account but also encompasses the spiritual nature of the central figure, Jesus Christ. Though it is now thought to be a biography it was initially believed to be a unique kind of literature with one sole purpose. But scholars soon came to understand that it was a Greco-Roman biography and therefore is different from what we understand as a biography. 

My opinion differs from the book. To me the Gospels represent a mixing of most literary genres. It is a book of belief and therefore carries those very important connotations. It is part fairy tale, part novel, and part biography. Like most fairy tales, that are for the most part, degeneration of older myths, it has a prince, through which salvation is achieved, and all the symbolism that is common in fairy tales. It is part novel for it has enough of a plot-building, from the exposition of the characters to the climax. I think this in part because the authors wanted to keep the readers interested and entertained. This is giving the writers a license which I believe they took. The biographical part of it consists in that it follows a life story and only passes from that to describe the spiritual life of Christ.  

There may have very well been a man by the name of Jesus who was crucified whether he was the son of God , or whether there is a God, is a matter for another discussion. His sayings and works have probably been taken far enough out of context and changed to fit personal or communal reasons that we have a distorted telling of what really happened. If there was divine inspiration it could vary from a bad acid trip, in some sort of shamanic ritual, to pure addiction by the writer or some divine force I can't recognize.

But we have the Gospels and they provide, a biased, distorted insight into the past and the beginnings of the church. 

Jimena, Maggie, Lu, and Gaby What to expect?

The Gospels of the New Testament were written 35 to 65 years after Jesus' death.  The Gospels of the New Testament were written by authors who lived in different countries, in different times, written to different communities, and with different problems.  The Gospels of the New Testament were written in Greek language, and the authors used the narrative sources of the stories that they had.  The Gospels of the New Testament are viewed as pieces of early Christian literature.  The conventions involve in the Gospels of the New Testament are form (is it poetry of prose? long or short story?), perspective, and function.  Unlike anything else in literature, the Gospels of the New Testament, are an entirely new genre, which was invented by Christians.  
In reference to the new testament, modern scholars generally agreed that the new testament gospels were unlike anything else in all of literature, that they were an entirely new genre invented by the christians, and represented by four books. Ways that people could tell what kind of books they are, is by asking such questions: Is it poetry or prose? narrative or descriptive, short or long?, the content, is it about nature or society? A twelfth century philosopher or a twenty second century space traveler? The function, to entertain or aim work, to inform or to persuade or a little of everything? 

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Jimena Marquez Chapter 3

1) On one level, even modern people consider_?
a.magic    b. reality  c. Moral truth.
2) This analysis gives just one example of how historical fact may have been changed to convey theological_?
a. truth    b. climate    c. love
3)In short , it appears that the Gospel have inherited traditional from both written and oral sources, as Luke himself acknowledges, and that these sources as _ himsef acknowledge, and that these sources drew from traditionas that had been circulating for years, decades even, among Christianity communities throughout the Mediterranean world
a. Mark     b. Jesus     c. Peter


Gaby-Chapter 3

1. Jesus died around 30 C.E.; the gospels were written thirty-five to sixty-five years later, between __and __C.E.  
 A. 60-75 C. 65-95
B. 30-56 D. 74-87

2. Stories passed on by word of mouth tend to _____ over time, sometimes significantly. 
A. Grow C. Shorten
B. Change D. Get Detailed

3. The authors of the New Testament Gospels are anonymous; they did not claim to be eyewitnesses to the events they narrate.
True or False

Ricky's Homework

The gospels were written _______ to ________ years after Jesus' death.
a. 35-65 *

The gospels have alot of the _______ stories that have changed after many years of ______.
a.same, retelling *
b.different, writing
c. same, e-mail

The New testament writers are ________.
a. annonymous *
b. known
c. still alive

Jessica's questions

From A Piece of Evidence
Chapter 3 The Traditions of Jesus in their Greco-Roman Context.

1. In the days of Jesus, ______________ was the most important Jewish festival. It commemorated the exodus of the children of Israel from their bondage in Egypt.
a) Bar-mitzvah
b) Christmas
c) Passover

2. The Gospel of Mark, and the Gospel of John concerning Jesus' ____________ are different as in terms of Passover dates or other concerning things.
a) life
b) resurrection
c) death

3. The Fourth Gospel, or ______________, Jesus' death is represented as the salvation of God, just as the sacrifice of the lamb represented salvation for the ancient Israelites during the first Passover.
a) The Gospel of John
b) The Gospel of Mark
c) The Gospel of Luke
d) The Gospel of Matthew

Chapter 3 questions Felipe Marquez

1. Did anyone knows the certain date when Jesus died________.
A) around 30

2. Where the stories circulated year after year________.
A) yes

3. Gospels are what________.
A) Historical Sources

LuUu: Conclusion: THe early traditions about Jesus

1. For what did the Second Implication concerns the Gospels as Historical Sources.
Answer: For what happened during the life of Jesus. 

Gabriel's questions

1. When do most scholars believe Jesus died?
= 30 c.e.

2. Christians are followers of?

3. Without a doubt the most important thing that was happening for early Christianity was the spread of the religion from its inauspicious beginnings a as a tiny sect of Jesus' Jewish followers in______
= Jerusalem


1. What time was Jesus crucified?
2. After what was Jesus arrested?
3. When did the passover take place?

1. 9:00 a.m
2. After Supper
3. Friday

the nature of gospel tradition by:Seabstian Figueroa

1} Does it appear that the authors of the early gospels were eyewitnesses to the events that they narrate?
A. Yes 
B. Maybe
C. No
2} Is it possible that in addition to presserving genuine historical recollections about what Jews actually said and did?
B. Maybe 
C. no
3} Does the gospels contain changed stories
B. no 
C. maybe 

Maggie Box 3.1 Orality and Literacy in the Ancient World

True or False
  1. Almost everyone we come in contact with can read and write.   ___
  2. Widespread literacy is a purely modern phenomenon.   ___
  3. People in such societies were diligent in remembering what they had and could reproduce it accurately when asked about it.   ___
  1. T
  2. T
  3. T

Jose Pac Box 4.2 The Christian Gospels

1) The Gospels are best seen as___________.
  • Ancient biographies of Jesus*
  • Ancient Traditions
  • Ancient Pharisees Biographies
2)Ancient Biographies were usually based on________and _________sources.
  • Oral, written *
  • Written, history
  • History, Oral
3)They often portrayed the main figures __________at the very outset of the narrative.
  • Character*
  • Animal
  • People

Monday, September 8, 2008

Mr.Mac: Lesson Plans for 8-12 Sept 2008

Media Center- Blogging

Read Chapter 2 text
Prepare presentations and 3 questions from assigned topics:
Beginings, One Remarkable Life, Greco-Roman Religions, Magic & Mystery in Greco-Roman religions, philosophy & religion in the Greco-Roman world, Judaism, Monotheism, The Law, Temple & Synagog, Forms of early Judaism, Jewish Context for Jesus 

Presentations on assigned topics

Review Chapter

Continue Prentations

Homework: Complete Study Guide

Quiz Game
Study Guide Summary

Homework:  Prepare for test

Preview for Chapter 3 Boxes

Why is Bible class important for our lives? - By Jessica and Tamara

Well, bible class is important for us;

  • To reexamine the religion most in the class came to be a part of and assess if we truly want to follow it.
  • To understand why the religion came to us is be dominant.
  • To understand as well the Christian concepts that permeate secular culture.
  • To get Jesus' teachings and apply them to life.
  • To differentiate Judaism and Christianity.
  • To identify and understand the matriarchal and patriarchal concepts and elements in Christianity and why the matriarchal aspect was suppressed as it was by patriarchal men.

Boys Blog

Bible class is important for our lives because it lets us learn about God and how people in the past have reacted to the newcoming religion of Christianity. Now a days there is alot of controversial issues as well as in the past, many problems concerning religious leaders and other individuals from the lower classes. You do not learn only about the religion but you also learn about the people that were affected by their surroundings and the geography. Bible class is also important because helps you form your own ideas about your beliefs.
Bible class is also important because there are some people that do not even go to church, and the only teachings they have are the ones that they have on bible class. it also helps the people to have faith in the Lord. Not only because you go to church but also because you go to school and actually get a grade for paying attention of what the teacher teaches you about the bible. So all of this is helpful for the spiritual life.
Bible class is good because it lets us back up our beliefs. Because it shows us bible in the historical context. We learn something new. In the bible there are morals, that we can use through our life. We have also knowledge from the past.And difference what is good a wrong.

Jimena, Maggie, Lula, Gaby...Why is Bible class important for our lives?

Bible class is important for our lives because it.. 
  • Teaches you life lessons to be a better person.  
  • We get the opportunity to learn many things about God. 
  • You can read it and learn from it lessons that can help you with everyday life.
  • Not only is the bible a book, but its like a big story. It has everything in there. 
We have learned so many things this school year.  What we have learned so far is...
  • The word Cannon means "ruler" in Greek.
  • Ancient Cannons were used to make straight lines or to measure distances.
  • Proto-orthodox Christians created the canon of the New Testament.
  • The terms "Jewish Scripture" and "Hebrew Bible" referred to the collection of books, which were considered sacred in the religion of Judaism.
  • The Law, the Torah, and the Pentateuch,  are names for the first five books of the Old Testament.
  • The only historical book in the Bible is the Acts of the Apostles.
  • The Epistles has 21 books.
  • The four Gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
  • Apocrypha is the name for the deutero-canonical books.
  • A.D. is an abbreviation of the Latin word "Anno Domini"
  • Jewish spoke the local language.
  • Alexander the Great was the most significant conqueror in the history of the western civilization.
  • Alexander became king at the age of 20.
  • Roman empire arose in the Hellenistic context.
  • Baptism is a form of ritual purification.
  • Hellas is the Greek word for Greece.
  • 753 B.C. is the traditional date for the founding of Rome.
  • Hanina be dosa and Hani the "circle drawer," were miracle working sons of God. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

STUDY GUIDE: Chapter 2 Boxes.

NT Chap 2.1 Box Study Guide


1. The Jewish people spoke the ................... language.
2. .......................... was the "Lingua Franca" (International Language) of the Roman World.
3. Alexander was arguably the most significant ......................... in the history of the western civilization.
4. Alexander came to the throne at the age of .................... .
5. The Roman Empire arose in the ........................ context.
6. The Roman Emperor was often paid homage as a ...................... being, the "savior" of the human race.
7. We do not know very much about what happen during the .................. of the mystery cults, especially in the period when Christianity began.
8. The (false) idea that women played no significant role in ancient Jewish synagogues comes from the ....................... , or, other biased sources.
9. There is no evidence for the myth that ..................... sat apart from the men.
10. ............................. evidence and inscriptions indicate that women played prominent roles in Jewish religious life.
11. ........................... is a form of ritual purification.
12. The worship of many gods is known as ......................... Worship.
13. Most religions in the Roman Empire where .......................... ,
14. The wide range of ancient polytheistic beliefs religions, outside of Judaism and Christianity, are called .................... religions.
15. Any person who is not a Jew is known as a ................................. .
16. Hellas is the Greek word for .......................... .
17. The year 753 B.C.E. is the traditional date of the founding or ....................... .
18. Rome was ruled by local ...................... for 250 years.
19. .................. was not the only one thought to be a miracle-working son of God, even within Judaism in his own day.
20. Hanina ben Dosa and Hani the "circle drawer", were miracle-working sons of ........................... .