Monday, September 8, 2008

Boys Blog

Bible class is important for our lives because it lets us learn about God and how people in the past have reacted to the newcoming religion of Christianity. Now a days there is alot of controversial issues as well as in the past, many problems concerning religious leaders and other individuals from the lower classes. You do not learn only about the religion but you also learn about the people that were affected by their surroundings and the geography. Bible class is also important because helps you form your own ideas about your beliefs.
Bible class is also important because there are some people that do not even go to church, and the only teachings they have are the ones that they have on bible class. it also helps the people to have faith in the Lord. Not only because you go to church but also because you go to school and actually get a grade for paying attention of what the teacher teaches you about the bible. So all of this is helpful for the spiritual life.
Bible class is good because it lets us back up our beliefs. Because it shows us bible in the historical context. We learn something new. In the bible there are morals, that we can use through our life. We have also knowledge from the past.And difference what is good a wrong.

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