Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Jessica's questions

From A Piece of Evidence
Chapter 3 The Traditions of Jesus in their Greco-Roman Context.

1. In the days of Jesus, ______________ was the most important Jewish festival. It commemorated the exodus of the children of Israel from their bondage in Egypt.
a) Bar-mitzvah
b) Christmas
c) Passover

2. The Gospel of Mark, and the Gospel of John concerning Jesus' ____________ are different as in terms of Passover dates or other concerning things.
a) life
b) resurrection
c) death

3. The Fourth Gospel, or ______________, Jesus' death is represented as the salvation of God, just as the sacrifice of the lamb represented salvation for the ancient Israelites during the first Passover.
a) The Gospel of John
b) The Gospel of Mark
c) The Gospel of Luke
d) The Gospel of Matthew