Monday, September 8, 2008

Jimena, Maggie, Lula, Gaby...Why is Bible class important for our lives?

Bible class is important for our lives because it.. 
  • Teaches you life lessons to be a better person.  
  • We get the opportunity to learn many things about God. 
  • You can read it and learn from it lessons that can help you with everyday life.
  • Not only is the bible a book, but its like a big story. It has everything in there. 
We have learned so many things this school year.  What we have learned so far is...
  • The word Cannon means "ruler" in Greek.
  • Ancient Cannons were used to make straight lines or to measure distances.
  • Proto-orthodox Christians created the canon of the New Testament.
  • The terms "Jewish Scripture" and "Hebrew Bible" referred to the collection of books, which were considered sacred in the religion of Judaism.
  • The Law, the Torah, and the Pentateuch,  are names for the first five books of the Old Testament.
  • The only historical book in the Bible is the Acts of the Apostles.
  • The Epistles has 21 books.
  • The four Gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
  • Apocrypha is the name for the deutero-canonical books.
  • A.D. is an abbreviation of the Latin word "Anno Domini"
  • Jewish spoke the local language.
  • Alexander the Great was the most significant conqueror in the history of the western civilization.
  • Alexander became king at the age of 20.
  • Roman empire arose in the Hellenistic context.
  • Baptism is a form of ritual purification.
  • Hellas is the Greek word for Greece.
  • 753 B.C. is the traditional date for the founding of Rome.
  • Hanina be dosa and Hani the "circle drawer," were miracle working sons of God. 

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