Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Jimena, Maggie, Lu, and Gaby What to expect?

The Gospels of the New Testament were written 35 to 65 years after Jesus' death.  The Gospels of the New Testament were written by authors who lived in different countries, in different times, written to different communities, and with different problems.  The Gospels of the New Testament were written in Greek language, and the authors used the narrative sources of the stories that they had.  The Gospels of the New Testament are viewed as pieces of early Christian literature.  The conventions involve in the Gospels of the New Testament are form (is it poetry of prose? long or short story?), perspective, and function.  Unlike anything else in literature, the Gospels of the New Testament, are an entirely new genre, which was invented by Christians.  
In reference to the new testament, modern scholars generally agreed that the new testament gospels were unlike anything else in all of literature, that they were an entirely new genre invented by the christians, and represented by four books. Ways that people could tell what kind of books they are, is by asking such questions: Is it poetry or prose? narrative or descriptive, short or long?, the content, is it about nature or society? A twelfth century philosopher or a twenty second century space traveler? The function, to entertain or aim work, to inform or to persuade or a little of everything? 

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