Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ricky and Gabriel's assignment question

Nowadays the gospels are viewed as biographies but in earlier years they were viewed differently.  They used to be viewed as a totally new kind of genre, unlike every thing else.  Nowadays the view is different, the gospels are viewed as ancient biographies but they are more interested in making the person look good and not so much interested in giving facts.  The modern biographies are now more worried in giving direct facts that can be proven with letters and the such.
We think the gospels are biographies, but that they were made to make Jesus look good.  We am not sure if every thing in the gospels is true because after so many years of oral traditions people could have changed the stuff. We think that the essence is true but maybe some things were changed.  But we do believe the gospels are biographies that were made to make Jesus look good rather than to express facts.