Monday, March 9, 2009

Assignment lu gaby, & joseph

The gospel of Thomas is growing in acceptance among liberal theologians. It includes many sayings of jesus that are not found in the four canonical gospels. this gospel is a collection of 114 sayings of jesus that includes wisdom sayings, parables, proverbs and prophecies. It was believed to be written around 60 CE and in greek. "The gospel of thomas had core elements as old as the synoptic gospels."
The gospel of Mark is the second of the four canonical gospels in the new testament and the first of the three synoptic gospels to be written. it was written anonymously. it talks about the life of jesus of nazareth from his baptism by john the baptist to the ressurection. the messianic secret and "obtuseness of the disciples  are important factors.
The gospel of is the fourth gospel in the canon in the new testament.  It contains the sayings of jesus of nazareth.  It appears to have been written with an evangelistic purpose or to strengthen the faith of christians.  Another purpose was to counter criticisms or unorthodox beliefs of jews. John tells the story in four parts: the Prologue, the book of signs,the Passion narrative, and the epilogue. 

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