Monday, March 30, 2009


This year retreat was okay. I like the fact that we could split up into groups and talk about a certain topic and that the groups were small enough so we could share our opinion. I liked the fact that we changed the location to Pana, though the hotel wasn't very nice. Next year they should plan with more time. I didn't like the fact that we had to cram into little beds because we didn't all fit in the room and that we didn't have any toilet paper so we had to go to other rooms and ask for some. I liked the bamboo because of the hotel but what i did like about this years hotel was the view we had. I liked the fact that the lake was right in front of the hotel and that you could go in it and i liked that it was a very wide open space. There was a lot of space to be around on. I also didn't like the food but that was the least of a things since we had the big box of food in our rooms. The activities were fun and the night game was fun too, and ice cream night was fun also.

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