Monday, March 9, 2009

Maggie and Jimena

We have learned many things this third quarter. For example, we have learned that the word edit can describe the redaction method of the Biblical interpretation. Literary-historical is the method of interpretation that compares a Biblical document to similar contemporary documents and looks at the cultural and historical context. According to Matthew seven is the number associated with the divine, which is the same number for the number of stages that there is someone's personal life. The Golden Rule says: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Matthew is written in the Greek language. Matthew uses the sources of Mark and Q, and it is a kind of Greco-Roman biography. The prophecy states that the Messiah is the son of David. In Israel's history, every fourteenth generation something cataclysmic happens. The Holy Spirit is said to be responsible for Mary's pregnancy. Marcion was the early Christian teacher. One of the five teachings of Jesus in Matthew is the Sermon on the Mount, where Matthew portrays Jesus as a new Moses, and where Jesus gave the golden rule. According to Matthew, Jesus was the fullfillment of Jewish Law, not the opposition to it, the Jewish Law is basically a commandment to love. Anthesis is a contrary statement. Luke was probably written between 80 to 85 C.E. Luke was written by a Greek speaking Christian. Luke probably used the sources of Mark, Q, and L. A comparitive is a method of analysis that can reveal many different themes. Ancient scholars believe that Acts is more like an ancient novel. The death of Judas is portrayed differently in Acts and in Matthew. The Acts of the Apostles has two volumes. Acts was written between 80 to 85 C.E. just like Luke. The unity of the church is thanks to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The hand of God directs the course of the Christian history.

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