Monday, March 30, 2009

Retreat... Jessi, Tamari, and Ani

Ana's story:
 As Jessica was flipping though channels on the TV I noticed Alvin and the Chipmunks were on, so I started yelling to go back. Finally they found the channel again. It had been a while since I had heard the chipmunks talk, so when I heard Alvin talking in Spanish I found it hysterical. I found myself wanting to use the little lady's room so I got up the bed with difficulty (because of how much I was laughing) and ran to the bathroom. What I didn't remember though was that Ms. Rivera, Tamara, and Jessica had showered before, so there was a huge puddle in front of the bathroom door. I slipped, obviously, and fell on my knees/legs, and started laughing even more. I had to crawl to the bathroom, and laughed all the while. What made it even worse was that I could hear the chipmunks' voices as I was in the bathroom. I washed my legs, and when I came out of the bathroom I was still laughing. For the rest of the show I kept laughing and laughing. Haha. =D

Tamara's Story:

After dinner the first night of the retreat, Jessica, Ana, Christian, Michael, Catia, Skyy, and I went down to the pool. Catia shared with me the brilliant idea of throwing someone into the pool. The sky was quite dark, a velvet blue as we concocted our master plan. We informed the others of our plan and settled on Skyy as our target. Thus we began the process of trying to get him in the pool. We seemed so close; he was holding on to the edge of the pool with curled toes. Yet somehow with the six of us we could not manage to get him in. We pushed, he pulled, he ran, we caught him, and forced him towards the pool again. Unfortunately for us, we had a couple weaknesses. Mostly Ana's fear of getting her jeans wet was our greatest disadvantage. A disadvantage that our foe, Skyy, very quickly picked up on. He would grab hold of Ana's wrist with amazing strength and relentlessly pull her towards the pool. Ana would yell, "No! No!" And one of the Sanders twin would pull her back. This happened a couple times and greatly slowed our progress. At one point Skyy had a firm grip of my hand, I pleaded with him like Ana, and managed to pull myself free only to be under a pile of bodies. After I was able to recover from this we went after Skyy with renewed force. Finally his body splashed into the pool, and the six of us remained dry. Victorious at last! 

Jessica's story:
 We (Ana, Tamara, Catia, Jana, and I) were bored in our room and decided to play poker. I had brought with me my brother's Texas Hold'em Poker set so we settled in the balcony and played it but we had some troubles in the way we knew how to play it so we just stopped playing it. Then Jana went out and we decided to play BS with Michael, Christian, and Skyy but since they could not go in our rooms we had to go outside to play it. We had so much fun, but since the name BS includes an inappropriate word, we decided to change it. Christian brought up the idea that some people say "baloney sandwich" instead of it. Ana thought it was hilarious. Then Skyy brought up another phrase for the game which was "M&M's" which was used to say that you had gotten away with lying after your turn, since no one could do anything about it. We kept playing it until dinner time, and played it while we were eating. Ana, Catia, the Sanders twins, and I got bored so we ended the game. Too bad for Skyy and Tamara.

*We think retreat should be longer... and have more free food. =]

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